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The multi-million-dollar 'dummy director' scam using vulnerable Australians to rip off the t

Sitting in the gloom of his housing commission apartment amid a smell of stale cigarettes and motor oil, you would not know Rod Jackson was a director of more than two dozen companies.

Then again, neither would he.

"They've really stuck me in the shit, haven't they?" Mr Jackson croaks with a desperate sort of laugh.

Mr Jackson is what the business world calls a dummy director.

He was living a "transient" lifestyle when, at the insistence of a friend, he agreed to sign a few forms and became the director of a company he had never heard of.

Thumbing through a stack of bankruptcy notices and Express Post envelopes addressed to his flat, he is now learning he has actually been made the director of a dizzying 26 companies.

"Never heard of them. There's only one I agreed to. I didn't agree to any more," he says.

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